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When to cancel collision insurance

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When to stop collision insurance? You might be looking to replace your older vehicle and save on your collision insurance premiums. Although it might seem sensible to drop collision coverage, you may not be sure if it is the right choice for you and your car. Talk to your insurance agent to decide the best course of action. Collision insurance protects your car from damages, so you don't want to skimp on this coverage. Here are some reasons you should keep collision insurance on your vehicle.

10% rule

There are many benefits to dropping collision insurance. First, you'll be able to save money over the life of your policy. A 10% discount could save you hundreds every year depending on the amount of your car. This is because most collision and comprehensive insurance premiums are less than 10% of your car’s market value. So, if your car is worth $400, it is not worth paying more than $350 a year in collision and comprehensive insurance premiums.

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Your tolerance for risk

Before you decide to cancel collision insurance, consider your tolerance of risk. Are you comfortable with the possibility of losing everything? Do you worry about hitting a deer or ice? Do you have a timeline for achieving your goals? These questions will help you make the best decision. It's also worth considering whether your financial position can handle the possibility. This decision will be based on your personal risk tolerance, as well the car's worth.

Your car's age

Which factors determine when you should drop collision insurance? In the past you may have relied solely on your vehicle's age and mileage to make this decision. However, not all cars lose their value. It may still be worth paying collision coverage even though you no longer drive them. A $10,000 car, which is 10+ years old, is likely to be worth the cost of collision insurance even though you don't drive it very often.

Your annual premiums

Based on what type of coverage, the amount you pay per year to your collision/ comprehensive insurance policy will differ. For your premiums to be determined, insurance companies often use information such as your credit history or any previous accidents. Check your credit report to ensure accuracy. Your credit score can be affected if you have had bankruptcy proceedings, judgments, liens, late payments, or are in default. The same applies to multiple credit inquiries. Your premiums may increase.

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Your deductible

When to drop collision insurance and your deductible? The 10% rule may not be a set-in stone. In addition to the deductible your car's actual value will decline over time. High premiums for collision coverage can mean that you are overpaying to cover the actual risk. If you don't have a vehicle loan or lease, it is worth considering dropping collision insurance.

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How do I fix my car for a hobby?

You might be interested in cars as a hobby. You can learn to fix them, buy them parts, and even sell them. It's a fun hobby that you can do if it interests you.

It's difficult to make this a fulltime job. It takes dedication and hardwork. It will also require a large amount of investment.

It is best to avoid getting involved in car accidents unless you have good reasons.

Is it worth being a mechanic.

The answer to this question depends on what you want from life if you are looking for money, then yes, but if you're looking for meaning and purpose, then no.

If you don’t possess any mechanics skills, you won’t be able to do it. It will not make you rich. It's unlikely that you will be famous. It's unlikely that it will change your life.

This would require you to spend many years learning how to properly do everything. Also, you would need to hire someone else to fix it if it broke down. That's why most people don't bother doing it at all. They find something they enjoy instead.

To sum up, if you want to earn lots of money then go ahead. You can't live a meaningful existence if your goal is to make a living in the mechanic's business.

What are the requirements of an auto technician?

You must have completed high school or GED with good grades in maths and English. Additionally, you will need to be proficient in reading and writing. To be allowed to work, you must pass a written and practical test.

To work as an automotive mechanic, do I need a degree? What about part-time study?

While a degree is not required, it does help. Most employers prefer candidates who have studied for a full degree rather than those who haven't. This shows you have put in the work and achieved success.

This doesn't necessarily mean you can't continue to work while studying. Some universities allow students the flexibility to finish coursework during summer vacations and resume their studies later in year. Students can also take classes part time throughout the academic year.

What is the best way to learn about car mechanics

To work as an auto technician, you don’t need to know much about cars. You only need to know how to fix them. Most people begin by changing brake pads and tires, before moving on to more complicated repairs.

You need to be able read and comprehend diagrams, follow written instructions and adhere to basic principles of good practice. You will also need to understand how parts should be replaced or repaired.

It's important to remember that you shouldn't attempt to repair vehicles without having received proper training and guidance. This is especially true if your job involves expensive parts like transmissions or engines.

Although you won't have to know much about automobiles, you must be familiar with the basics of mechanical engineering as well as physics. This will include understanding the basic principles of engine operation and brake function.

You should also be ready to handle all kinds of situations. For instance, you might find yourself in charge of a vehicle that has been in a serious accident. Experience with accidents and breakdowns is also a must.

You should also be open to learning quickly. In order to be able diagnose and fix problems, you will also need to know how to do simple maintenance tasks such tightening bolts.

Is it possible to work as an automotive mechanic?

Yes, it is possible. Many garages post their vacancies online. Many people apply simply because they think it might make them feel good. You can apply for several places to see if they are accepting student applications if you want to get your foot in their door. Alternatively, you could ask friends and family if they know anyone who works in the industry. They might be happy to recommend someone.


  • 52% of Mechanics in the United States think their salaries are enough for the cost of living in their area. (indeed.com)
  • According to the BLS, total auto technician employment is expected to exceed 705,000 by 2030. (uti.edu)
  • There were 749,900 jobs available for automotive service technicians and mechanics in 2016, which is expected to grow by six percent through 2026. (jobhero.com)

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How To

How to safeguard yourself against auto mechanic scams

Consumers are often victims of auto mechanic scamming. The average consumer spends $1,500 per year on car repairs. This is a huge opportunity for people to take advantage of it. You can avoid becoming a victim if you are able to identify the signs. Here are some tips to help you spot a scammer before they get their hands on your money.

  1. Never pay upfront. Paying upfront to someone is a sign of fraud. You should always ask for payment after work is completed. The Better Business Bureau (BBB), 1-888-322-8138, can help you determine if the item is legitimate. They'll provide advice and guidance.
  2. Ask for references. Contacting previous customers is the best way to make sure you are dealing with a reliable service provider. It's also a good idea to check online reviews. Be sure to check online reviews about any business that you deal with.
  3. Do background checks. You should never hire anyone without doing a background check. Check the BBB website to find out if there have been any complaints. Also, ensure that the vehicle's license number belongs to the person who owns the business.
  4. Don't hesitate to walk away. Sometimes, even when a business seems legit, they try to trick you into paying too much. If you feel that you have been exploited, don't be afraid to walk away. There are many other businesses you could choose to do business with.
  5. Beware of free services. There are many companies that offer free inspections and estimates. These companies often charge high fees for additional services. Be sure to ask about additional fees before signing anything.
  6. Avoid being pressured. When a company offers you a great deal, it's because they think they can get away with charging you less than you deserve. You should not be forced to buy anything if you find yourself in this situation.
  7. Look for quality products. High-quality parts are important when you're looking for a repair place. If you need to replace brake pads, you don't want to go to a shop that uses cheap pads. Instead, go to a shop specializing in brakes.
  8. Get multiple quotes. It is important to compare prices across shops. This will increase your chances of getting a fair price.
  9. Keep track of everything. Keep track of every detail related to your repairs. This includes receipts, invoices and warranties. Also, keep track of any telephone numbers and addresses you receive.
  10. Keep informed



When to cancel collision insurance